Community. Upskilling. Mentorship. Open-source.
We aim to establish and engage a high-quality blockchain community and bridge the gap between enthusiasm and skill by offering education, mentorship and networking opportunities in blockchain.
How we aim to accelerate the blockchain space
Community and Mentorship
Committed to our mission of making blockchain a more dynamic space, we engage with web3 enthusiasts and industry-leaders in insightful ways across the globe.
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An all-encompassing free femto-degree program on blockchain, that will help you get started with various aspects of this web3 technology irrespective of your background or current skillset.
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Jobs and Talent
With the rising demand for skilled blockchain developers, YBlockchain aims to serve as a platform to connect skilled developers and exciting ventures. Developers can apply for free.
Apply/Hire a Talent →
Community and Mentorship
Committed to our mission of making blockchain a more dynamic space, we engage with web3 enthusiasts and industry-leaders in insightful ways across the globe.
An all-encompassing free femto-degree program on blockchain, that will help you get started with various aspects of this web3 technology irrespective of your background or current skillset.
Jobs and Talent
With the rising demand for skilled blockchain developers, YBlockchain aims to serve as a platform to connect skilled developers and exciting ventures. Developers can apply for free.
We aim to create
the next wave of blockchain developers and managers.

Build real-time projects with Ethereum, Hyperledger and other open-source technologies
Identify problems that can be addressed with blockchain, and we'll guide you right from developing the blockchain to developing a business model that is market-ready.
Be a part of the revolution.
Join our network for free today!
Our network of developers and resources library will put you on a track to become a blockchain expert.
Register for free to join our certification waitlist and instantly get lifetime access to our blockchain resources!
Free and Open-source
Industry-standard Certification
Community of web3 experts
All-inclusive course design
Meet our Mentors
Check out the industry veterans and experts
involved with this project.
Know someone else who could be a potential mentor?
Nominate yourself or someone you know to be a mentor at YBlockchain here
Join us in our Web3 Revolution!
Our Network
Committed to our mission of making blockchain a more dynamic space, our network of web3 enthusiasts and industry-leaders in insightful ways.
Join Our Network!
Join Our Team
We are always looking to grow :)
Check out our openings, create your own fellowship, join us as a fellow mentor or as a blockchain ambassador
Careers at YBlockchain →
Partner With Us
Whether you're a induvidual, a startup, corporate, community, or an academic instituion, we're always looking out for exciting ideas and partnerships.
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Our Network
Committed to our mission of making blockchain a more dynamic space, our network of web3 enthusiasts and industry-leaders in insightful ways.
Join Our Team
We are always looking to grow :)
Check out our openings, create your own fellowship, join us as a fellow mentor or as a blockchain ambassador
Partner With Us
Whether you're a induvidual, a startup, corporate, community, or an academic instituion, we're always looking out for exciting ideas and partnerships.